14. Version History
in version 5.6 (July 9, 2012)
- Added Sparkle in-app updater
- Moved all application data to ~/Library/Application
Support/Master Spell/
- Now does not allow the user to type ahead when spelling
back the correction
- Fixed a problem that would disable the Start Drill
button after cancelling mid-drill
- Expanded the history window
- Printed certificate now shows up to about 150 words
that were mastered
- Pronunciation fixes to internal speech text for newer
- Developer ID signed for Mountain Lion
- Lots of other updating and fixes
in version 5.5.3 (September 20, 2010)
- Fixed a problem where audio recordings in the test
editor would not record when the Master Spell application
folder is read-only
- Fixed a problem where pressing record and stop in the
test editor would not respond for several seconds
in version 5.5.2 (April 14, 2010)
- Fixed an issue with inability to start a drill after
stopping a drill in progress
in version 5.5.1 (September 9, 2009)
- Fixed a hanging problem in Hangman
- Returned mastery status text and congratulations when
mastering a test
- Added the ability (with account mode off) to use an
alternative pronunciation for names which can be set when
creating a new pupil or in the class editor
in version 5.5 (September 1, 2009)
- Reorganzied main window and added alphabet buttons to
help younger users
- Mastery is now determined by progress of spelling all
the words correctly in a given test
- Words answered correctly are added to a mastered words
list kept with the pupil file and those words are only drilled
again if there aren't enough words in the current test that
aren't mastered
- Added 'Type Along Correction' option
- Previewing now asks user if they want to preview
- Preview is now in different random order from drill
- Removed most admonishing sounds and remarks and removed
the option
- Adjusted sound effects for volume and proper playback
- Fixed several small issues with the Test Editor
including editing voice recordings on the network
in version 5.1.2 (May 21, 2008)
- Fixed problem in Class Editor with selecting the test
- Fixed some pronunciations for Leopard
in version 5.1 (April 25, 2007)
- First freeware build
- Universal Binary
- Increased gain of recorded audio volume to better match
Text-to-Speech volume
- All passwords are now encrypted (Passwords will be
converted and not backwards compatible with 5.0.5 and earlier)
- Internalized help
- Updated network and error handling to match
improvements made in Master Key
- Improved CPU efficiency
- Cosmetic improvements
in version 5.0.5 (January 31, 2005)
- Fixed encoding for pupil file names and username
- Fixed spelling of 'snail' which previously wanted it
spelled 'shell'
in version 5.0.4 (December 17, 2004)
- Fixed unexpected quit when clicking in History Window
- Saving tests now defaults to Tests folder
- Test Editor now properly enables word editing when a
word has been made blank
in version 5.0.3 (December 14, 2004)
- Fixed first run problem created in 5.0.2
in version 5.0.2 (December 13, 2004)
- Made improvements and fixes to network folder checking
- Fixed occassional problem where number or words menu
was improperly disabled
in version 5.0.1 (June 22, 2004)
- Fixed Help menu opening Help.
- Improved handling of a locked application folder by
allowing Mac OS Account mode to function and automatically
switching to this mode when the folder is locked.
- First run now prompts user for Account mode.
- Added Check for Update in Help menu. It is password
protected by teacher password.
in version 5.0 (March 9, 2004)
- Added voice recording and playback
- Added 3,690 recordings of words with sentences or
- Added Mac OS Account mode
- Added optional previewing of words before drilling
- Improved speed of Pupil and Test selection
in version 4.5/(4.5b1 Carbon) (April 10, 2002)
- Added voice selection independent from the system voice
in the preferences.
- New Remember last login option (for Macintosh
Manager/Multiple Users)
- Added hiding "Master Spell Network" folder to help
tamper-proof this folder when in network mode
- Completed most modifications for Carbon (OS X)
- Fixed and improved Test Editor
- Fixed and improved Hang Man
- Converted Master Spell Help to Apple's Help Viewer.
in version 4.2.2 (September 1, 2000)
- Fixed bug where a pupil file was lost if Master Spell
were quit while the History Window was open.
in version 4.2.1 (June 16, 2000)
- Fixed Network bug that caused Master Spell not to use
the network.
- Fixed bug where shareware dialog shows up after closing
History for registered users.
- Fixed a rare bug where an unrelated alternate word
might be given.
- Added "Create Network…" in file menu to automatically
configure the program to use the network.
- Allowed 1 drill per grade to unregistered users.
- First FAT build (no more 68K and PPC distinction)
in version 4.2 (June 5, 2000)
- Extra Tests for registered users are now in the
distribution and no longer require an additional download or
- Altered several interface elements to fix improper
behavior and to help alleviate confusion on the part of the
- Added New Class and New Pupil to Class Editor
in version 4.1.3 (June 25, 1999)
- Fixed improper inheritance of scores and settings from
one pupil file to another
- Added error message when launching on a locked volume
such as a CD-ROM
in version 4.1.2 (February 25, 1999)
- Re-fixed bug where curly apostrophe's in test would not
accept straight apostrophe and also made the reverse
- Fixed bug in Hangman where any word with a straight or
curly apostrophe or period could not be guessed correctly
- Fixed bug where owl chatter after inactivity would not
work after opening Preferences and clicking "OK"
- Fixed test selection bugs in Class Editor
- Fixed bug that brought back pupil selection dialog only
when asking for a new password for an existing pupil
- Fixed minor draw glitch in spell back area at startup
that showed up at least in OS 8.1 on 5500s
- Adjusted inactivity owl chatter time intervals and made
owl more aware of when a drill or hangman game is in progress
- Owl no longer speaks when clicked if talkative is off
- Added more intelligent verbal clues when certain Pupil
Restrictions are on
in version 4.1.1 (February 19, 1999)
- Fixed bug where after achieving mastery and then
choosing a test or pupil, history window would open in a
hideous display of confusion.
in version 4.1 (February 17, 1999)
- Fixed bug where Class Editor erased Hangman scores
- Fixed bug where two-word words could not be guessed
correctly in hangman
- Fixed bug (discovered by 1 year-old girl) where hitting
the delete key in hangman game would give an error and quit or
improperly handle keystrokes
- Fixed bug where word would not be said in hangman if a
saying wasn't specified for a particular word in a test
- Fixed bug that allowed non-alphanumeric characters in
New Pupil name entry
- Fixed bug where when multiple Macs launched Master
Spell at same time (particularly when using ANAT to launch)
while using the Master Spell Network folder, most would
falsely report that privileges are not correct and then use
the local settings
- Greatly improved file error handling for missing files
and locked folders
- Fixed bug where mastery sound wasn't always played on
accomplishing mastery
- Added switch to Mastery Status tab on accomplishing
- Fixed bug in Test Editor where removing word removed
the correct word from the list but removed the word prior in
the list from memory
- Fixed bug where double-clicking on Choose Pupil or
Choose Test button would sometimes put the choose dialog
behind the main window.
- Fixed potential problem of registered program showing
as unregistered when network mode is the normally used mode
and the file server is unavailable.
- Removed document drag & drop and document opening
from finder
- Added support for "Unit" divisions of tests
- Added support for 29 more progressive test levels in
mastery status
- Combined Class and Pupil Selection and Unit and Test
Selection in new interface
- Replaced Choose Class button with Logoff button
- Added Clear Hangman Scores to Class Editor
- Added 34 new tests for registered users only
- Adjusted Mastery Status qualifications
- Added Auto-Fill Sayings function to Test Editor
- Added bold indicator for sayings in Test Editor
- Added progress bar for saving pupils from Class Editor
- Added introductory splash screen on first run and
registration reminder dialog
- Added idle time owl comments (when talkative)
- Owl's mouth now moves on farewell
in version 4.0 (January 4, 1999)
- Redesigned front test panel
- Restructured menus to adhere more consistently to
objects and eliminated dynamic menus for Pupil files and Test
- Created consistent interface for choosing Class, Pupil,
and Test
- Added owl animation
- Added hangman game
- Added network preferences so that Macs can share one
preferences file thus allowing a single setting change to
apply to all networked Macs in the lab
- Expanded the "Choose Class at Startup" option to also
activate at pupil logoff
- Added support for Navigation Services (if available)
- Fixed printing problems on some LaserWriters and with
"Chicago" font
- Fixed a few spelling errors
- New icon
in version 3.6.2 (October 1998)
- Fixed improper expiration on October 30, 1998
- Fixed some pronunciations and added tests
- Fixed quit sequence bug while in Test Editor
- Fixed icon resource problem
- Updated exchange rates in register program
in version 3.6.1 (October 1998)
- Removed all test loading and editing restrictions from
unregistered version
- Added support for class subfolders and class selection
- Added option to speak letters as they are typed
- Added Pupil Restrictions: Disable Stop Test and Disable
End of Test Retry Option
- Adjusted internal pronunciations for Macintalk Pro
- Restructured Preferences dialog
- Added "Organization" field to registration
- Fixed bug where non-Pupil files, including invisible
"Icon" file, in Pupils folder could quit program with error
- Revised "Master Spell Info" to include setup
instructions for Mac Lab
in version 3.6 (August 1998)
- Added Class Editor
- Added two-tier password system
- Added optional pupil restrictions
- Made Pupil and Test dynamic menus for quick access to
- Created two-tier registration -- Standard/Classroom
- Added over 200 words in theme-based tests for grade
- Cleaned up Test Editor and fixed saving bugs
- Eliminated save new pupil dialog
- Fixed bug in Hide Desktop option
- Converted to VSE plugin speech abandoning XCMDs and
- Fixed a few errors in Difficult Words
in version 3.5.1 (July 1998)
- Fixed bug where word would not be said if a saying
wasn't present
- Fixed bug that would cause Master Spell to unexpectedly
quit on some 68K machines when closing the History Window
- Fixed bug where registration system sometimes did not
work on 68K machines
- Fixed bug with improper handling of Quit
- Fixed bug where with Integrate Trouble Words on,
Trouble Words would record incorrectly when integrated Trouble
Words were again spelled incorrectly
- Eliminated flicker of letters when Master Spell spelled
a corrected word back
- All Windows auto-position better on all monitors
640x480 and larger
- Added Hide Desktop option with random color background
(click to change color)
in version 3.5 (June 1998) REALbasic
- Completely rewritten in REALbasic
- Added a test editor
- Added Mastery goals and Certificate Print-out
- Double-click loading of Pupil files and Tests from the
- Drag and Drop added
- Balloon Help added
- Consolidated all results into a single History window
- Trouble Words track misspellings and printing added
- Last Test presentation, printing and storing in Pupil
- Added support for color printing
- Faster loading, picking words and drawing graphs
- More visual comparisons of spellings to misspellings
- Added application preferences
- All previous admitted limitations and caveats removed
- Made cosmetic improvements throughout
- Registration serial number unlocking implemented
in version 3.1.4 (April 1998)
- Added "Retried Right" counter.
- Added delay before clearing word, especially before
- Added "15" and "25" as choices for number of words for
- Made counters more immediate.
- Fixed more logistical bugs in test sequence.
- Curly apostrophes are now converted to straight
- Trouble words status is now reset after clearing
trouble words list.
- Added warning if "Caps Lock" key is down.
- Made cosmetic improvement to Graph Window.
- Extra returns and spaces in test file are filtered out
in version 3.1.3 (March 1998)
- Fixed problem where getting 100% still reported that
you got some wrong.
in version 3.1.2 (March 1998)
- Rearranged end test sounds and results so that they
come after retrying the words misspelled.
- Fixed syntax errors and added words to the "Basic
Words" test.
- More background events friendly when loading a pupil.
in version 3.1.1 (January 1998)
- Fixed bug where trouble words would be erased when
"Load Pupil" or "New Pupil" were selected and then canceled.
in version 3.1 (January 1998)
- Graph display of test results
- Printing of graph and scores
- Tracking and integrating of trouble words
- Retried words count for half credit
- Various bug fixes and code clean-ups
- Over 1,200 spelling words for registered users
in version 3.0 (December 1997) VMSB
- Completely rewritten in Visual Mac Standard Basic
- Added clarification for all Master Spell words
- Added anti-redundancy, alternate spelling capacity,
review of misspelled words, a presentation of all the words
spelled correctly, incorrectly and correctly on retry, per
word averaging, individual test history files, and audible and
visible letter-by-letter correction
in version 2.0 (circa 1995)
- Changed XCMD from Macintalk to Macintalk 3
- Redid pronunciation for Macintalk 3
in version 1.1 (circa 1993) HyperCard
- Added compact stack on quit
- Improved pronunciation and added clarification for
several words